Welcome to the largest font library — myfonts.club
We offer you a rather large collection of various fonts, which we have carefully and specifically gathered for you. Our site is very convenient, because you don't have to download the font first to know how it will look in your work just enter the necessary sentence as an example and you will get an idea of the font at once. Each font page additionally has an image with all the characters and letters of the Russian and English alphabets, numbers and the most common special characters.
Of course, the most popular fonts are Web-fonts. Then come handwritten fonts, pc fonts and decorative fonts. In addition, there is a section on fonts graffiti, which have recently become very popular.
If you have no idea what typeface you are looking for, we invite you to visit popular fonts. There you'll find the most popular fonts you're sure to like. You can also browse through one of the categories (listed in the menu) and choose the font there that best suits your needs.
If you have questions about installing fonts, adding them to your operating system, go to "Install font". There we explain in detail what to do and how to do it, so that installing a font is not torture for you.
Today web typography plays a huge role in the design of websites and web applications. More and more projects are basing their entire visual concept on fonts. Although more and more graphics, animations or photos are appearing on today's websites, it is the text that is the main element when viewing them. The right color, decoration or font style ensures that the article will attract the attention of more visitors.
Consequently, you must know and apply the principles of typography in web design that will allow readers to easily find the information they are looking for. Therefore, there is one rule of Internet typography worth remembering: the text should always be easy to read.
First of all, fonts are divided into serif fonts and sans serif fonts. Even for the non-professional, the difference is quite easy to see, as serif fonts have embellishments; dashes at the end of the letters. Their use was associated with the development of printing, thanks to the extra lines reading became easier and more pleasant for the eyes. However, nowadays the sans serif font is considered to be more readable. This is because text looks different on the screen, and most people prefer paragraphs consisting of simple fonts. On the other hand, sans serif fonts do not have sans serif ornaments - the character endings are simple. The sans serif letters are Arial, Verdana in particular. Sometimes sans serif fonts are called Century Gothic, which should not be confused with gothic fonts. In contrast, serif fonts are mostly used for paper publications. This doesn't mean that you should automatically apply sans serif fonts for blogs or presentations. Sometimes using more decorative fonts in headings and sans serif fonts in paragraphs is enough to make it look good.
The choice of colors is very individual. Each company or blog has its own brand book or even colors specified in the logo. Basically, this will determine what colors will be used in the project. For example, women's blogs are dominated by pastels.
The choice of black in paragraphs should also not be random, and it is usually better to lighten it. You must also remember to examine the contrast between the background and the text. Black backgrounds with colored texts are a bad choice, as is the lack of adequate contrast, since such a combination impairs vision.
Text is usually aligned by width, that is, aligned across both margins to form neat blocks. You can do the same in your presentation, just make sure the text is well placed in the individual paragraphs.
With Web sites, the situation is worse. Blogs are read on a variety of media (phones, tablets, widescreen monitors), and the text may be designed differently in each case. In this case, justifying paragraphs can be annoying for readers. It is best to use left-alignment or center alignment (a popular option used on certain sales pages lately).
In the case of text alignment, the number of words in a line plays an important role. On a computer monitor we see about 60-100 characters with spaces, which after alignment look quite clear, and gaps between characters are not annoying. On mobile devices there are fewer characters, because of which the text sometimes stretches the entire width of the screen.
You should also be careful with templates adapted for text compression, where a column contains more than 120 characters. In this case, after reading the last word in the line, it is difficult to see the beginning of the next line.